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Awaken Your Potential: Spiritual Growth for Entrepreneurs

Remember the phrase you have so much potential followed by if you only tried harder. It’s a slight oxymoron. Whether someone thinks we possess potential or not is less important than whether or not we believe we do or do not. I am convinced this mighty resource is nestled within our hearts and souls and expressed to the degree that we become conscious of it. In other words, the more we use this resource, the more it becomes available. Looking at my life, I chose to leave a family business in my early 20s, feeling trapped in a family dynamic and a system of thoughts that devalued any potential I thought I might have. Don't get me wrong, my parents did their best, but their fear kept them stuck back then.

What happens when people feel stuck?

Unconsciously, they may need to make others around them feel stuck, too! 

It’s referred to as the crab in a bucket syndrome; the story goes that at the end of a pier, there was a bucket of crabs, and one of the crabs was awakened by the scent of the open water. Something irresistible took hold of this crab; it then attempted to scale the metal wall of the bucket, using the other crabs to help hoist itself up to the top. The crab, like us, awakened to its need to free itself and return to where it belonged. Instead of awakening the other crabs to their innate freedom, the lowly crab struggled to get to the top without help from the other crabs. It is sad to say the other crabs were using their claws to pull and push the escapee back down to the bottom of the bucket. The moral of the story is the process of awakening to your potential may come with some unexpected consequences and unsupportive alliances. 

As entrepreneurs, how do we turn unexpected consequences and unsupportive alliances into resources that propel us toward our destiny? Unexpected consequences have a habit of designing the seemingly challenging environment in which we find ourselves and offering up some of our most profound spiritual growth. The challenge may be needed to reveal more of our potential, typically showing us it’s time to pivot to an evolved idea, or the message may be to look the challenge in the eye and persevere. Whatever the circumstance, it contains the seed of opportunity we could never develop without experiencing the block or obstacle. The unexpected nature of the challenge is the most intricate and intriguing part of the spiritual universe; I often, and usually in hindsight, will say,

Spirit, how did you know that was exactly what I needed to grow? Thank you. 

Now I understand what I need to do next or to figure out; when we grow, we expand and push the boundaries of what we achieved before the growth. I aspired to create a multimillion-dollar turnkey company, and I faced many unexpected consequences on the path to awakening my potential. Remember the crab story, riddled with unforeseen consequences? Well, that was me on my journey to success. The process of growing a business proves, in the end, to be a process of growing spiritually, learning my strengths and weaknesses to navigate, relying on unseen forces for guidance, and affirming the right people at the right time would appear to aid me in my adventure. 

With unsupportive alliances, I liken spiritual development to the concept of an incubator in its typical definitions: Incubators work with entrepreneurs who have an idea for a business.  Imagine if the incubator is the Power and the Presence of the Universal Potential, the Divine essence is working with You and through you to deliver a unique opportunity explicitly suited for you. To craft the path forward, we all surround ourselves with alliances, the people we form a union or bond with, usually for mutual benefit. As our potential awakens and ideas of our dreams and aspirations start to take hold, we can outgrow previous alliances. Some might dissolve naturally, others might be way showers that help you to see your strong points, and others may prove to be accelerants that irritate you and show you where attention is needed. Brian A. Drew, famous for his friendship quote, reminds us, People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. 

The emphasis is a Reason, and I think when we break down unexpected alliances, it becomes clear anyone and everyone is part of an intricate and fascinating tapestry of conspiring for our good; yes, even the uncomfortable partnerships are precisely what is needed at the exact time to help us along the way to grow spiritually. 

As entrepreneurs, we sometimes choose alliances to help us achieve the desired results. Working in harmony with others is a good practice when growing a business and shining our light as bright as possible. Marianne Williamson reinforces this sage advice: "Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.” The most essential lesson I learned about shining my light is surrounding myself with an alliance of light beings. In other words, when one powerful light unites with several others, the exponential power of a unified group expands, and the potential is unbounded as several minds contribute, add to, and advise one another on the best direction.

It is always true that awakening to our potential requires us to believe we are powerful beyond measure. it sounds big; well, of course, it does! Because it is, thinking we are powerful and have control and influence over people and the events of our life takes courage. It invites us to go beyond where we are right now, like the crab, who didn't know precisely what they would find when they reached the top of the bucket and out into the open water.

Our potential calls us to the vast potential discovered in the unmeasurable forces of a Universal Loving presence, which has already ascertained what and who you really are!  

I invite you to journal and ask yourself,

If I believed I am powerful beyond measure, how would my life be?



Zina Kacha is a progressive and certified spiritual educator and entrepreneur with three decades of experience supporting women to thrive with their businesses. 

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