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Entrepreneurial Mindset: How Belief Shapes Your Business Journey

Just look at the success stories of our time in any field or profession and ask yourself: Is there a consistency in their past- a religion, formula, ritual, or rite that ensures their success? Is there an upbringing, social, or economic environment, or is it luck and timing? No, their results were not the consequence of these factors. They all have one thing in common: they prevailed because they believed they would succeed. Belief is the only thing. Their lives' connections, circumstances, luck, and coincidences were all drawn to and built around their belief that they would succeed. Faith is the key to entrepreneurial success.

When I stopped to ask myself what I believed as an entrepreneur, I faced some glaring blind spots. Some were apparent, and others revealed themselves over time. The strongest was thinking that I couldn't bring my heart into business. I had built a theory about the heart and brain needing to be distinct and separate in business. The other issue I faced was the will I make enough money myth.

We must work tirelessly in our businesses, and you may think, “I sure do.”  Guess what? That’s a belief, and with that belief, we may find ourselves controlling everything and everyone, especially any staff members. Sometimes, we get so focused on the detail or "in the weeds" that we don't see the big picture moving from one task to the next. This work habit is known as working IN your business, not AT your business, a term coined by Michael Gerber. When I mentioned this concept to a client, Karen, they asked about the difference. By shifting our mindset and approach to 'working at the business,' we empower ourselves to see the bigger picture, make strategic decisions, and confidently lead our business. 

No one knows your business as well as you do.

When you work in your business, you are entirely consumed with keeping the virtual and brick-and-mortar doors open, booking calls, meeting people, and running the show. After a while, you may realize the business is running you rather than the other way around. You may be carrying a set of beliefs about why you are the only one who can do what you do in your business. It could be that you have assigned tasks or even outsourced a component of your business, only to find the person you thought you trusted with some precious component of your business was not up to the task. So, you took control, micromanaged, and worked in your business because no one does it better than I do. 

There it is, big as day, another belief; well, beliefs have an interesting way of creating experiences; the Universe heard you loud and clear; you screamed it out and made your point. Unconsciously, you may say, Universe, it is so disappointing. I can’t trust anyone to do the simplest tasks because no one can do my business better. The Universe responds quickly and accurately; your belief creates the experience.

No one can do my business better than me. What follows is event after event where your belief becomes a reality. This realization could inspire and motivate you to shape your beliefs to align with your entrepreneurial goals and aspirations.

What I was fortunate to learn early on in my business of 20 years is that I didn’t get in business to close my heart. I also learned that it was my heart that made the difference between being a healthy and happy entrepreneur and slugging along through countless tasks to spin my wheels and never accomplishing the main objective of why I went into business in the first place. I wanted agency over my life, time, and decisions, and my highest aspiration is to express my talent and gifts at creating systems and processes to help me not work in my business but instead at my business. When working at my business, I am in oneness and flow; ideas and people appear before I ask. 

Using vision, visualization, and a definitive purpose statement, I opened my heart and mind to the infinite possibilities. I self-studied and learned how to build a successful turnkey sellable product. When we get clear about where we are going, we can start where we are to put the people, processes, and systems in place. You may think that sounds like working with the brain, not the heart. Thinking of our business as an organism, a breathing moving entity, dissecting every part of it, and placing the parts where they are needed opens a heart wide. How, you may ask, because you start to learn to love yourself as the creative and wonderful architect of a marvelous idea or product. When you invite others to play with your creation, those who are meant to share the experience are drawn to you with open hearts and helping hands. 

I am an entrepreneur; if you read this, you probably are one too! Creators, makers, designers, and thinkers are heart-centered, powerful, and expressive. We make the world better, brighter, and happier. This is the ultimate freedom; consider it a smaller version of a star system. It's your orbit, and by sharing it with the world, you have specialized a gift, a talent, or an idea. You will be financially compensated for being good at delivering your best self through the business you create. Embracing a heart-centered approach to entrepreneurship brings financial success and a sense of fulfillment and freedom, making your entrepreneurial journey more hopeful.  

Take a moment this week to explore your business.

Are you working in it or at it?

Now, look past the day-to-day tasks and workload and ask yourself why you started this business. Be bold and ask yourself the end game and where you want your business to go; see it clearly.

Lastly, how do you see yourself when it's all said and done?

Enjoy the ride!   


Zina Kacha is a progressive and certified spiritual educator and entrepreneur with three decades of experience supporting women to thrive with their businesses. 

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