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Projector Power: Understanding the Human Design Projectors in Your Life

Projector Power: Understanding the Human Design Projectors in Your Life

For the next few months, I want to deep dive into each Human Design type for you, so that you can learn more about yourself from this perspective, as well as understand the other types in your life. I’ve started this series with the Projector; not only is this my type (and our Divine CEO’s type too!) but it’s also the type that is most mysterious to other people.

So this is for you if you are a Projector in Human Design, or know someone who is!

The Aura Types in Human Design

A Projector is one of the five aura types in the Human Design system; 20% of the world are Projectors! Traditionally, we are known as “non-energy” beings because of our inconsistent access to life force energy that keeps the Generator types going all the time.

But I don’t like to think of Projectors this way. I like to think of us as becoming highly successful when we reclaim our energy. And our energy just works in a different way than what we have been taught; conditioned by the frantic rush of life.

The Aura of a Projector

Each Human Design type describes the shape of the aura; if you are a Projector, your aura is penetrating and focused. This means that you have the ability to look deeply into the soul of another person, one at a time, and understand them on a level that they will never realise.

Because of this, coupled with our inconsistent energy, many Projectors will often find themselves in 1:1 situations, or very small groups, because they will want to focus their attention on one person at a time. In a conversation, you will find that the world around you falls away and you will be so focused on the other person, you may not even realise the time, that you’re hungry or that you need to leave! Which brings me onto my next point:

When Is Enough Enough?

Every type in Human Design is conditioned, one way or another, to be like others and the Projector is no exception. We are conditioned to be sacral beings; trying to keep up with the volume of work that needs to be done. Projectors are often prone to burn out and physical ailments; but let me tell you, keeping up with the hustle of the world is detrimental to our success. When we find alignment at our own pace, and only do what we can do, prioritising rest, we can begin to lead others to success.

Therefore, a daily question to ask yourself as a Projector, could be: “is enough, enough?” When you are socialising with others, working hard on your new project, working out in the gym; it doesn’t matter what it is, but asking yourself whether enough is enough will bring clarity around overdoing things BEFORE you overdo it.

Projector Leadership

Projectors, being the newest Human Design type when humanity evolved in the 1700s, are the new world leaders. No, we might not have the energy to sustain a huge workload, but we are fantastic at guiding others.

Combining the focused aura with the acute awareness of energy, we make great speakers, podcasters, guides, advisers, teachers and coaches. As leaders of our businesses or communities, it’s important that we don’t get sucked into the doing. Outsourcing your admin or work so that you can concentrate on being the voice, the leader and the visionary, is the key to reclaiming your energy and finding success in your life.

Why Are Projectors A Weird Bunch?

Firstly, who wants to be normal?! But Projectors can come across especially weird. We have an uncanny ability to see the outcome of one’s actions, lending ourselves to having a slightly psychic ability. As a projector, you’ll hear the words how did you know that? quite often because what you innately see is things that others don’t.

We don’t take anything at face value, we see the deeper meaning or motivation behind things. This can be anything from world events to how your best friend’s marriage will play out. You’ll see things coming, and you won’t know why you know things.

Embrace that gift; surrender to it. It’s the most empowering understanding of your Projector magic. But be careful, the worst thing to happen to a Projector is getting burnt by sharing these  views with others, uninvited. So let’s talk about that!

Waiting to be Recognised and Invited

It’s inevitable that I will need to talk about the heavily debated subject of the Projector strategy; wait for the invitation. Each Human Design type has a strategy based on their aura and how they interact with the world.

Remember the uncanny knowing you have about other people, and how you can see deeply into their soul? Well, this can come across obtrusive, and uninvited.

Going back to your best friend’s marriage; if you know it’ll end up in divorce because her spouse will have an affair, you’re not going to tell her that are you? Or if you do, she won’t listen!

This is why we are designed to wait to be recognised for our genius and invited to share our insights to find solutions to situations.

Most people are not ready to hear what the Projector has to say; it’s triggering for them because it’s often the truth that they haven’t realised yet, and they will feel vulnerable and transparent. But you will be cast aside for sharing what you see, ridiculed for your dramatic take on things.

When a Projector is recognised, however, and invited to plug the gaps in a problem, this is when you will find your audience much more receptive.

What You Don’t Need to Wait For

I want to make it very clear here, that waiting for the invitation doesn’t mean that you sit your bottom down on the sofa and watch Netflix all day!

Waiting is an action; you, my dear Projector, are designed to shine your light. Get out there, shine, make waves. Share your uniqueness with the world. But when you see what you see and you know that your advice will be ridiculed (or just fall on deaf ears), just hold your tongue, and wait for that recognition and invitation. Your energy will be used in a much more efficient way if you wait.

Steps to Alignment

If you are a Projector, I’d like to invite you to consider the following mantras as part of your daily routine. Remember them and repeat them because you may (probably!) have been conditioned otherwise.

  1. I am successful even when I’m resting

  2. I reserve my energy for those who recognise me

  3. I lead with grace and poise, not through hard graft or being the loudest in the room

  4. I know when enough is enough

  5. My uncanny knowing and intuition is my gift

If you are not a Projector, but have one in your life (I suggest you have one, Projectors make brilliant partners with sacral beings in all aspects of life), empower your Projector by:

  1. Letting them know they are amazing at what they do. Projectors find it hard to turn that penetrating aura around on themselves, therefore they don’t always see their brilliance

  2. Encouraging them to rest and relax. If you are a sacral being, your Projector will be hanging onto your energy as if they are addicted. Let them be apart from you, allowing them to return to their own energy.

  3. Inviting them in to give you advice, help you plug the gaps or strategise with you to see what you are missing in your business, relationships or life. They will enjoy your invitation and dig to find the answers for you, if it’s correct for them to do so.

One final tip from me, your Human Design expert and resident pure individual Projector, is no matter what type you are in this incredible system, just be you. You can use Human Design to bring a language to your conscious awareness to understand who you are and who you are not.

And when you know this, you can stand strong in the conviction of who you are, shining your light into the world which will empower other women to do the same.

Written by Charlie Garnham

Charlie Garnham is a Human Design expert, guiding women to build thier business aligned with their unique energy, rather than following outdated cookie cutter systems that don't work for most. Charlie uses her years of intuitive wisdom and Human Design to create a personal map for your life and business, set for success!

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