By 2030 there will be One Billion Midlife Women on Mother Gaia.
Here we are February 2025 and the past few years seem like lifetimes away. The mission in my heart is ever ignited to create community, to recognise the power of wisdom women here on planet earth and to bring women together in this great time of transformation to support women through their aquarian awakening that is happening now.
One Billion women, we are a force to be reconned with and we are awakening at a rate that is speedier that ever before. In business, finance, healthcare, as home makers, leadHers and lovers, women are rising into their innate power in ways that would have our anscestors beaming with joy.

In 2021 I and so many of us, were moved geographically to a new home and a new way of living. This was not comfortable and certainly not guided by a conscious choice. At this time there was a great uprooting, and for many this may have seemed like a massive displacement, however I realise that this was a powerful replacement of souls and that we were carefully being placed and plopped into new environments so as to be the light in new surroundings. It was messy and marvelous as it opened our hearts to realising a greater depth of compassion for ourselves and for others.
In this unearthing process I let go of everything materially, relationships, beliefs and broader concepts that had run their course.
What did you let go of?
Turning 60 last year turned my world upside down.
This rite of passage offers me great opportunity again to deeply unearth strong entanglements of beliefs that I have about myself and my relationship with the infinite, to question my authentic purpose and my soul stirring desires for this life and to yet again say NO to the no things, and YES to the YES things!
Moving Divine CEO away from the flipbook late last year has allowed me the one thing that I kept myself from fully experiencing, time without distraction to feel into my YES and time to listen to the unobvious yet always present pulsation of life.
I want to invite you to allowing yourself the gift of intentionally setting aside time and space to create a ritual that allows non distraction and even, dare I say it boredom.
We are carefully entrained to fill every moment with something, and if and when the somethings run out, theres always scrolling to preoccupy the mind and keep the dopamine hit coming. This is a clever move on the part of society, as continual distraction and doing keeps us from truly being and listening to the inner call.
Can you imagine a world where we all listened deeply to the intuitive wisdom within, as a preferred way of being? Peace would prevail and love would rise.
They say that age is just a number and that in the mind of the Divine there is no time.
Yes and yes to both, AND in this earthly spirit human experience that I am on, I notice how the process of saging is allowing me to notice the immensity of wisdom, experience, knowledge, healings, education, spiritual devotion, awakenings and realisations that have gracefully and perfectly woven together as golden threads to the culmination of where I am right now.
I always knew that I am here to fulfill something meaningful and from a very early age, I was always one to look deeply into life and question, very often pissing people off! However, I've always been that type of person that has wanted to know truth.
Turning 60 is a gift that shows me not only where I have been, it is powerfully offering me the opportunity to look to where I want to be.
The Great MotherShift
2025 offers the immensity of connection and communion, of course with eachother, and more powerfully with ourselves.
Accepting ourselves right now as the wise light warriors that we are. Opening our hearts to the immensity of who we be, beyond the string of qualifications and experiences, books read and courses taken, this is the work. As I lean into deeply loving myself I realise that coming into this life 60 and a half years ago, as this incarnation of Laura, is the most treasured gift I could be experiencing now. Through the grit of the dark night of the soul, to the elation of feeling the appreciation of life, I come to realise that I am powerful, You are powerful and together, wherever we each are on this beautiful planet, our direct intention of peace, harmony, well being and prosperity tips the scales and becomes our experience.
Saging boldly, claiming my roar, and fully accepting Laura as the wild creative artist that loves to know deeply, has taken me 60 years to semi accept and this year for me is devoted to the adventure of unashamedly bringing her to the light.
We have travelled far and opened widely and now is the time to honour the wise woman within.
We have mothered, daughtered, partnered and sistered and now we are being called like never before to HONOUR the Divinity within.
There are a new set of worldly rules that are being imposed upon us and I feel this greatly even in my hermiting and wintering here at home in the UK. As light workers and wisdom warriors we have been supressed not only by others, but by ourselves. I have noticed within my heart how easy it can be to live into a smaller version of myself and to squash my needs and quieten my desires.
Take time for yourself each day to go within, pray, meditate, connect.
Connect with your body and listen to her needs and desires.
Allow yourself to love yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Go deep into the darkness when she calls and allow the dark goddess to guide you through the depths of the forest.
Say NO to what feels like a NO.
Let yourself Cry often, this is the release of tension and of the story that doesn't work or match anymore.
Be alone in the silence
Honour mother nature the sky, the sea, the walks that connect you to the core of the earth
Let her go, she's held you for years and now you are safe to allow her, your younger self, to fly free as you step onto the path of wise woman initiation.
Live in the mystery, trust yourself and life to lead the way, you don't have to have it all worked out.
Do the next thread pieces of mother daughter healing
Remembering who you are in the midst of the mess isnt always a top of mind priority, however deciding to set new intentions, to live every moment with grace and patience for ourselves is doable.
One Billion midlife women in 2030 isn't a make believe stat, its the state of the population given the data that we have.
Our state of being matters, and the honouring of the self, at whatever age we are, is our top job.
Give yourself the grace to love you and by that I mean ALL OF YOU, IN ALWAYS.
Laura Topper - Spiritual guide, entrepreneur, founder, VISIONARY and Queen editor of Divine CEO Magazine Publications and 2030 One Billion Women Mission.