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A Now Response

One of the people where I’ve been staying of late had a call that their elderly mother was in hospital after a fall, and had sustained a significant gash to her head requiring multiple staples .  As an only child, knowing there was no-one else could do it, they dashed off to be by her bedside whilst she recovered and planned to stay on for a while whilst she recuperated and healed, however long that might take.

This called to mind the numbers of times I had been in a similar situation, having to drop everything, reorganise appointments, and drive some 120 miles whenever my own late mother was taken ill, or into hospital, helping look after both her and my late step-father who had a chronic illness with her as his carer.

Just as we think we’ve got life sorted and running smoothly, that’s when life throws us a curveball – like the car breaking down, or the landlord deciding to sell their property forcing a move, an accident or illness in the family ….. you’ll have no doubt had your own version of ‘curveball calamity’ disrupting that smooth flow you thought you’d achieved. 

It isn’t the event itself that matters or makes the difference, it’s how we respond to it.  I have come to understand that what we experience today was set up by thoughts, feelings, reactions from before – sometimes years, even decades, ago.

Whilst it may seem hard not to get caught up in the drama response to events as they unfold around us, it is easy to understand why growing number of people no longer watch the daily news, or only do so through a form of metaphysical filter, or repeating the Ho’oponopono to promote healing of that aspect in themselves they recognise as a mirror of something at some level of their unconscious that is still being played out in order to be healed, or learnt from in some way… 

We can choose whether to engage with events or whether to hold to our own mental and emotional climate, how we think and feel on a daily basis whilst healing effects of the past in our own lives.  Sometimes it takes courage, sometimes determination, sometimes the agape form of love ..

Non-locality of quantum physics, as I understand it, indicates when we do this healing within ourselves, it is also felt by others, anywhere around the planet, across all dimensions of time and space in the zero-point field, as we change our on vibration and frequency.  If my focus or intent is for healing, wellbeing, prosperity with ease and joy within or for me, in my energy-field, even if I’m not actively working with others to facilitate their vibrational changes to more positive or higher frequencies, this quantum understanding tells me that I am partaking of this for all, in all times, keeping the high watch.

As I was driving those 120 miles to get to my late mother’s, I would be choosing to stay in a mental or emotional state of calm, open-heartedness, sensing that effectively treating for myself was the best thing I could do for her at the time.  Indeed, Ernest Holmes in the Science of Mind textbook and elsewhere indicated that the Religious Scientist or Science of Mind practitioner aligned themselves first with the sense of Oneness, treating that aspect of the other in or as themselves, resonating with the perfect wholeness, and completeness, thus ‘healing’ any sense of separation from the source of one’s good.  

I think it was Florence Scovell Shinn who spent a day with a farming friend who had sustained a broken limb that, after that day of maintaining that choice of reaction in wholeness, the limb was no longer found to be broken.   What if we could choose to maintain that alignment?  What potency of thought could we embody and thus help foster in others?

And I recall my late Science of Mind teacher, Rev. Nona Coxhead Bell, sharing a walk in New York (with the late Louise Hay, if memory serves), either on their way to or from a class with Rev. Raymond Charles Barker.  Nona had or expressed what she described as an unkind thought – and promptly tripped over a pavement slab, sending her sprawling.  Her point was, we never know when our unguarded or unaware thoughts can trip us up.   But, I am also aware that sometimes ‘life happens’, and consider that when we are not actively engaged in directing our thoughts and feelings, we are at the mercy of the levels of the Collective Unconscious that mirror our unguarded climate of being!

Infinite True Source of All Perfect Goodness expressing in, through and as all beings, Its ideas of Perfect Truth, Health, Wellbeing, Prosperity and Abundance with Ease and Joy, help me guard my thoughts with greater awareness, to grow my gratitude, and live with greater courage, love and grace.

Wherever I have been or remain unguarded or directionless in my thoughts and feelings, prompt me gently back to that awareness that helps me grow my inner sense of self and Self to be all that I came here to be, and for me to be in this moment.

I am so grateful that I can appreciate the value of this activity within me, within my thinking and feeling that I know is somehow even now benefiting my world and all the beings in it!


Dr Erica is based in Christchurch, UK. She is devoted to guiding you to living in alignment with the true you. Do you really know who you are behind the conditioning of family and society? Join Erica in one to one coaching or her masterclasses to make previously unimagined strides both personally and professionally. 

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